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Stan Bolton left - John Martin right
Questo è il primo questionario "risposto" da TOP allevatori del Regno
Unito, il primo è Mr. John Martin Chairman della Lizard Canary
Association (LCA).
1) Quante
paia di lizards accoppi ogni anno? Io accoppio da 6 a 10 coppie di
Quale tipo di gabbie usi? Come sai in Europa gli
allevatori usano gabbie a fili metallici. Io uso il tipo chiuso con doppia
gabbia lunghe 90 cm e larghe 45 cm con frontale in filo metallico.
Quanta è grande la tua stanza di allevamento? La
mia birdroom è 4 mt x 3 mt.
Quale tipo di nidi usi? Io so che i nidi esterni
sono molto popolari in Europa, tu li usi? Io uso nidi di plastica fissati all’interno
della gabbia.
Tu accoppi un maschio ad una femmina o dai il
maschio a più femmine? Io normalmente uso un maschio per una femmina.
lizards hai prodotto quest’anno? Nel 2012 ho allevato 25 lizards.
Come alimenti I tuoi uccelli?Quale tipo di
pastoncino usi? Io alimento i miei lizards con una nota miscela commerciale
chiamata “British finch” , lo ordino via internet ed arriva fino a casa mia. Il
pastoncino all’uovo è un tipo
continentale del Belgio chiamato Ce-De. In Gran Bretagna è molto popolare.
L’alimentazione colorante è diventato un argomento molto dibattuto
in Gran Bretagna, io so dagli show in Europa che molti non stanno
colorando, e tu ? Io coloro sempre i
miei lizards, e sono d’accordo con l’affermazione che l’alimentazione colorante evidenzia le
marcature del lizards.
Come sai a me piacciono I lizard BLU. Tu li
allevi? E qual è la tua opinione sul fatto che nel Regno Unito essi non sono
riconosciuti? Io non allevo i lizards blu, non sono riconosciuti dalla Lizard
Canary Association.
Puoi spiegare come giudicate nel Regno Unito? Io
giudico solo nel Regno Unito , che come sai è a confronto, vorrei lasciar
decidere ad altri che hanno utilizzato ambedue i sistemi quale dei due sia il
migliore se l’europeo o il britannico, la cosa più importante da ricordare è che ogni mostra presenta cose giuste o cose
sbagliate, il giudice ha le stesse chance, e qualsiasi sistema usato ci deve
essere flessibilità per permettere agli uccelli di fermarsi e mostrarsi al loro
Da quanto tempo allevi i lizards? Dal 1976,
36 anni.
Dove hai preso i primi lizards? All’Esposizione
Nazionale di uccelli da Gabbia tenuta a Londra nel 1976.
I miei migliori
risultati espositivi sono stati:
Best Lizard at the All-England show held in
London 1983
Best Broken Capped Gold Cock 2nd All-Lizard Show Melton Mowbray 1985
Best Clear Capped gold Cock LCA Golden Anniversery Show Nottingham 1995
Best Broken Capped Gold Cock 2nd All-Lizard Show Melton Mowbray 1985
Best Clear Capped gold Cock LCA Golden Anniversery Show Nottingham 1995
te quali sono stati i migliori allevatori di lizards in Gran Bretagna? Secondo
me dalla seconda guerra ad oggi i migliori allevatori sono stati :Fred
Snelling, Len Wood, John Scott, Albert Durrell, Keith Knighton , and Stan Bolton
che è ancora uno dei migliori allevatori ancora oggi.
John Martin
Chairman of the Lizard Canary Association of Great Britain
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This is the first questionnaire answered by top breeders of Great Britain.
The answers to the questionnaire of John Martin.
1) How many pairs of lizards do you pair each year?
The answers to the questionnaire of John Martin.
1) How many pairs of lizards do you pair each year?
I pair between 6 to 10 pairs of lizards
2) What type of cages do you use? As I know some European breeder use wire cages.
2) What type of cages do you use? As I know some European breeder use wire cages.
I use box type
double breeders 900 mm long x 450 mm deep with metal trays
3) What size is your birdroom?
3) What size is your birdroom?
My birdroom is 4m x 3m
4) What type of nest pans do you use? I know the nest compartment are very popular in europe do you use them? I use plastic nest pans which are fixed on the inside of the cages.
5) Do you pair one cock to one hen or do you put the cock with several hens?
4) What type of nest pans do you use? I know the nest compartment are very popular in europe do you use them? I use plastic nest pans which are fixed on the inside of the cages.
5) Do you pair one cock to one hen or do you put the cock with several hens?
I normally use
1 cock to 1 hen.
6) How many lizards have you breed this year?
6) How many lizards have you breed this year?
2012 I bred 25 lizards.
7) How do you feed you birds? What type of eggfood do you use?
7) How do you feed you birds? What type of eggfood do you use?
I feed my lizards on a
well known commercial mix called British finch I order via internet and it is
delivered to my house. I use a continental egg-food from Belgium
called Ce-De It is very popular
here in the UK
8) Colour feeding has become a topic of debate here in the Uk at the moment. I know from showing in europe that many do not colour fed, do you?
8) Colour feeding has become a topic of debate here in the Uk at the moment. I know from showing in europe that many do not colour fed, do you?
I always colour feed my lizard,and agree with
the statement that colour feeding enhances the markings of the lizard.
9) As you know i like Blue lizards, Do you keep blue lizards? and what is your opinion of the UK's objection to including them. I do not keep Blue lizards, they are not recognised by the Lizard canary Association
10) finally can you explain how judging is done at shows in UK? as it is different from here in the UK.
9) As you know i like Blue lizards, Do you keep blue lizards? and what is your opinion of the UK's objection to including them. I do not keep Blue lizards, they are not recognised by the Lizard canary Association
10) finally can you explain how judging is done at shows in UK? as it is different from here in the UK.
I only judge the UK way ,that is by
comparison,I would leave others who have
used both systems to decide which one is better Europe or the British
way, the most important point to remember is that every exhibit whether good or bad, gets an equal chance under the judge,
and that whatever system is used
there has to be flexibility to enable birds to settle down and show themselves
to their best advantage.
11)How long
have you kept lizards? Since 1976 ,36
12) Where did you obtain your first pair ? At the National Exhibition of Cage Birds held in London december 1976.
Best Lizard at the All-England show held in London 1983
Best Broken Capped Gold Cock 2nd All-Lizard Show Melton Mowbray 1985
Best Clear Capped gold Cock LCA Golden Anniversery Show Nottingham 1995
The best breeders and exhibitors of lizard canaries since the war have been in my opinion:Fred Snelling, Len Wood, John Scott, Albert Durrell, Keith Knighton , and Stan Bolton who is currently one of the top breeders in the world.
12) Where did you obtain your first pair ? At the National Exhibition of Cage Birds held in London december 1976.
Best Lizard at the All-England show held in London 1983
Best Broken Capped Gold Cock 2nd All-Lizard Show Melton Mowbray 1985
Best Clear Capped gold Cock LCA Golden Anniversery Show Nottingham 1995
The best breeders and exhibitors of lizard canaries since the war have been in my opinion:Fred Snelling, Len Wood, John Scott, Albert Durrell, Keith Knighton , and Stan Bolton who is currently one of the top breeders in the world.
Hope this is useful to your article,
look forward to the day when we may meet again
look forward to the day when we may meet again
John Martin
Chairman of the Lizard Canary Association of Great Britain
John Martin
Chairman of the Lizard Canary Association of Great Britain
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