Quest'anno alla Mostra Ornitologica di Bologna che si terrà dal 5 al 6 novembre 2011, i Lizard saranno giudicati dal giudice COM, di nazionalità inglese, Kevin McKallum.
Il signor McKallum è stato già numerose volte a giudicare in Italia, sono molti anni che giudica in tutta Europa. Gli abbiamo proposto alcune domande così da conoscerlo meglio, in allegato le domande e risposte in inglese a breve ci sarà anche la traduzione.
Hello Angelo,
Many thanks for your email.
Sorry for the delay in sending this reply but my work has been very high and we have had a bit of sickness in the family.things look much better now and I am busy judging exhibitions here in the UK. I have only exhibited at one show up to now but had good results at the National.I won Best in the Old Variety Section with a North Frill ( Arricciati ) I keep a lot of frilled canaries
I have also just come back from judging at the BPC ANTWERPEN show in Belgium.
You have sent me a questionnaire about myself which I will answer as you have asked.
1------ How many years have you bred canaries?
My very first exhibition was in 1968 when I was exhibiting Foreign Birds ( Exotics)
I started breeding canaries in 1977 Frills,Belgians,Lancashires, Crested & Lizards,later my wife started to breed Yorkshires.She does not keep them now as she has Persian Cats ( Longhaired )
2------ I have kept Lizards for many years but at this moment I let them go to other breeders to give more room for frills.
3------ How long a judge ?
I was judging Exotics from 1975.
I became a panel judge for the Old Varieties Canary Association in 1982 and judged my first National Exhibition in 1984 I also judged my first Scottish National in the sane year ( 1984 )
I passed the COM/OMJ section E exam in 2009 at the World Show in Piacenza Italy.
I am also a panel judge for the Irish Fancy International Club.
4 ------ How many pairs of Lizards do you keep?
As I said earlier I have let all of my Lizards go. I used to breed quite a lot and I gave them away free to breeders who came to visit.I always tried to help other breeders improve their stock.
My first Lizards came from John Scott a very well known Lizard breeder here in the UK. He is now an old man.His birds were from 1936 and before and along with his father kept the Lizard during the war years Many for the top Lizards are from this original stud now sadly gone.
5 ------- As a breeder ,what is the most important characteristic point in the Lizard.?
For me and I would think all other breeders it is the Back ! A lizard must have good spangles on its back. My mentor John Scott would tell me when I was with him learning to judge lizards.
A Lizard without a back was simply not a Lizard.Lizards with a good back will always recieve a second look.They must of course have other points .Feather quality is another important point. as is steadiness.A lizard which is not trained will not show itself so the judge will not be able to to see its good points.
6 -------- Have you ever seen the Lizard in Italy ?
My first International judging engagement was in Bologna in 1988. I judged the Crests, Lancashires,Fifes and Lizards.I remember that the Best Lizard was won by Piero Fanfani.
I again judged in Bologna in 1989. The Best Lizard was won by Piero Fanfani.
I have judged Lizards in Roma ( I think it was 2005 ) Best Lizard Piero Fanfani.
I have judged Lizards in Livorno . Best Lizard Piero Fanfani.
I judged the Italian Lizard Canary Club show in Bologna in 2006.Best Lizard F Fermi.Best opposite sex - F Coppelli.
I have also judged the Italian Lancashire Club show in Bologna 3 times the last one was in 2009.
I am always happy to come to Italy.
7 ------ What do you expect from the exhibition in Bologna?
When I come to Bologna I always see good quality canaries in all breeds.There are some wonderfull Glosters ,Yorkshires,Crests, Lancashires,Frills and Lizards.I hope to see this quality again this year.
In the Lizards I am looking forward to seeing rows of well marked ,dark birds all with good spangles.
Other exhibitions I have judged in Europe include--
Belgium - BPC Antwerpen.More than 12 Times 1998-2011.
Netherlands - Oosterhout.
Denmark - Herning.
Denmark - Cobenhaven 3 times.
I have been a visitor to many COM World Shows since 1982 - Italy;Germany;France;Switzerland;Netherlands;Belgium.
See you in Bologna.
Best Wishes ,
Kevin McCallum.